Enabling Good Lives Approach
Community Capacity Development
SAMS is one of five providers selected by Whaikaha to deliver the Community Capacity Development Initiative.
SAMS is focusing on engagement with communities in the West Auckland and Hawkes Bay regions.
With 40 years of experience working alongside the disabled and whānau community, our history, approach, and values are deeply rooted in the Enabling Good Lives approach.
SAMS commitment is to partner and learn from community and build on the existing knowledge in the Enabling Good Lives approach.

Assisting community-led disability leadership informed by the Enabling Good Lives approach
SAMS is hosting a series of introductory hui to grow local disability leadership and learn about the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach. Details for each location are outlined below.
Through these hui, SAMS will work with the community to explore the possibilities it creates for disabled people and whānau, with a focus on supporting communities to drive positive change.
SAMS is excited to share that TAMA (community-based experts who provide advice on health and related areas that influence tāngata whaikaha Māori wellbeing) will also be working alongside us, to ensure strong participation and partnership with tāngata whaikaha Māori.
We are also working closely with People First, the disabled persons organisation, who are available to support People with Learning Disabilities. Please contact them for further support on phone 0800 20 60 70.
Feel free to tell anyone you know who might want to come.
More details about where and when the meetings will be held will be shared soon.
If you have any questions or need more information or support, please email egl@sams.org.nz.